Ahh autumn is here. It's finally time for cosying up with your favourite blanket and eating delicious home-baked treats. It is hygge time.
Hygge (pronounced hoo-gah) is a Danish concept, it doesn't have a direct English translation but I think it's best described as a feeling of content cosiness. Think crackling fires, soft flickering candlelight and soft warm woollen socks. It is like giving yourself a cuddle in cosiness.
A big part of hygge is food but to qualify as hyggelig foods should be simple to prepare comforting to eat and enjoy with loved ones. Often hygge includes gathering around the table to share a meal and conversation with a small but close group of friends or family. It reminds us to savour the moment and appreciate the good things in life. It is so easy to forget in our busy worlds to slow down and make it simple, yet this very notion turns a bad day, week or month into a good one.
I find nothing more agreeable on a crisp autumnal afternoon than baking some homemade bread and making a batch of warming soup. The smell permeates throughout the house like a calm breeze relaxing everything within its reach.
I really hope I can inspire you to embrace your own inner hygge and have gathered a few ideas to help get you started.
Cozy blankets: First and foremost pick your cosiest blanket.
Woollen socks: Perfect hygge always includes your warmest softest woollen socks.
Warm beverages: A cup of hot tea, coffee, or cocoa is very 'hyggelig'. Brew up your favourite and add cream, marshmallows whatever you fancy. Just make it a treat.
Soups and stews: Soups and stews are a great way to use up seasonal produce and create a hearty, comforting meal. These are very hyggelig as they are simple to prepare and can bubble away on the stove all day filling your home with their warming aromas. Try butternut squash soup, or a rich beef stew complete with herb-crusted dumplings. Or my favourite - Roasted Sweet Potato Soup with coconut and chilli.
Cakes and bakes: Freshly baked bread, buns, or scones are a delicious and hygge treat. Serve them warm with sweet whipped cream or butter, jam, and honey.
To be truly hygge you need to create the right ambience. Lighting plays a big part in hygge and it should be kept low and dull. Candles are a must for authentic hygge but I find fairy lights a great alternative.
Here are a few more tips for creating a hygge atmosphere in your home:
Light candles and use lamps to create a warm and inviting glow.
Play soft music such as jazz or classical music.
Gather around the fire with your favourite hygge drinks and food.
Wrap up in blankets and get cosy.
Enjoy conversation and company with those that you love.
With a little effort, you can create a truly magical autumn experience. So get cooking, get cosy, and enjoy all the wonderful things that autumn has to offer.